
 “Each lecture will consist of its own article and inside will be one featured article of what I (the writer and illustrator) consider to be the most interesting.” Amy


At the end of this course of lectures you have to produce a Film/Animation, blog, newspaper or magazine that is a chronicle of the lectures and seminars that will be given throughout the term.  This will mean you will have to take notes on every lecture so you can then write it up for your publication.

Each lecture, seminar or trip will have its own section, chapter, page or pages dedicated to it. As in a film, magazine or newspaper these will be your‘sections/articles’ and will be fully illustrated/captioned and referenced.

You will choose one of the lectures, seminars or trips to make into a ‘feature article’ and will be an extended piece of writing/filming of about 1,500 words/10minutes long and again it will be fully illustrated/Captioned and referenced. The form, design, layout and size of the film/magazine is entirely up to you. It may be a small pamphlet A5 size or a broadsheet A1 style newspaper or a website/blog or documentary or animated film.

You may want to use one of the styles discussed during the lecture series or a combination of styles, depending on what you want the publication to look like.

During each session you must take extensive notes and/or record the session, as a journalist would at a press conference, these notes are what you will base your articles/sections on. Each article section must be at least 300 words/1 minute long. You will start write up or story board this in the library immediately after the lectures whilst it is fresh in your mind.

Whenever you use a piece of information in your articles you must reference them by telling the readers where you got this information from, i.e. the author of a book, website, magazine etc.



A Magazine Is Born – the making of Little White Lies



**View the digital edition of The Black Swan Issue featured in this video online now for FREE**

We wanted to make a short film that captured some of the love, care and hand-crafted passion that goes into the making of an issue of LWLies. We produce six issues each year, and for the two month period that we’re working on a particular issue, we totally immerse ourselves in the movie and in the production process. While we obviously embrace digital in all forms, first and foremost we’re makers of honest, tangible and fine-smelling objects, and we hope that comes across in some way here.

We filmed this ourselves over the course of November/December 2010, and the film was edited for us by our friends at production company Archer’s Mark.

Darren Aronofsky’s musical collaborator Clint Mansell kindly offered us use of the track ‘A Swan is Born’ from his Black Swan soundtrack, and so we’ve called our short film ‘A Magazine is Born’.



How to design your magazine? Find us:


Make and print your own newspaper

Use our free online layout tool to make your paper, or just upload a PDF. We print twice a week and ship internationally…



About Us

We are a London based online magazine. Our focus is the best music, film and design we can find.

We also hope to showcase and work with the best illustrators and designers we come across so hope that if you know any or would like to share your work with us then please don’t be afraid to get in touch.





Welcome to The Documentary Blog, a website created by and for documentary fans and filmmakers. Our goal is to become your quintessential source for news and reviews pertaining specifically to documentary films. Our regular ‘features’ will focus on filmmakers, style, and hopefully provide insight into the process of documentary filmmaking.
Follow The Documentary Blog on Twitter!
For other general movie news and reviews, visit our sister site

Here’s a cool short film from Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, the guys behind Catfish. It’s called Metropolis II, named after its subject Chris Burden’s massive, die cast Hot Wheels cityscape. Make no mistake; this isn’t the obsessive hobby of an enthusiastic toy car collector. Burden is a respected artist and his vision is mesmerizing. The overlapping and interweaving roadways are completely functional and contain 1500 cars speeding around at up to 230 miles per hour. He’s also installed a bunch of electric trains, ending up with something that resembles Fritz Lang’s vision of the future, hence the name Metropolis II. Check out the short embedded above!

Online Magazines

Architecture, Construction & Design Magazines



    Ding Dong!

    It was a surprisingly sunny Wednesday morning, I was still a tad drowsy and the fact that the Southwood Site still existed seemed somewhat of a revelation to me. I hadn’t stepped foot down here since way back in the days of September, the first day of term. I think. As a result of this, I got a bit lost and was unable to find my way until 0940.

    After being on the wrong end of a very loud Mark Ingham I felt substantially less drowsed and ready to start the lecture. He was exclaiming that; “I couldn’t swan in 10 minutes late if I was in the industry, so I shouldn’t be doing it here.” And y’know, he was right. He just didn’t know that 20 minutes prior to this, my brain was at the conclusion that due to some crazy witchcraft, The Southwood Site didn’t even exist.

    So we started discussing the different ways in which the human race is able to learn. In my mind it boils down to just two: ‘being taught’ and ‘experimentation’. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, for example you wouldn’t want to ‘experiment’ with the laws of gravity by jumping off of a tall building. It is far better to be taught that doing so will result in death, than to go and kill yourself. Leaning stuff is useless if you are no longer alive to harness the power of the knowledge.

    Next we had a look at a short film about a really cool magazine based in East London. It was a great insight into the industry that one-day I will be a part of. I can’t wait, because this film depicts that when I’ve finished looking at photographs of Mila Kunis, I can turn round and check if it is time for a cup of tea on one of the three clocks labeled – Clapton, Shoreditch or Dalston… and get paid for it. WINNING!

    And to finish we were discussing the power of twitter and how useful it would be for us to have an account. Now, I don’t know how to use twitter, nor do I have an account so I was unable to take part in what happened next. Now obviously, it is 2012 and some people on the course do have twitter and do know how to use it. There is no need for me to cover what happened next, but what I will say is that person responsible for the “Return of the very loud Mark Ingham” should be ashamed of themselves. You’ve let us down, you’ve let the university down and most importantly you have let yourself down.

    Shame on you.

    samuellcarrasco on January 23, 2012 at 12:46 pm said:
    Interesting piece of writing that connects with the reader

    Reply ↓
    GlenBrownGraphics on January 23, 2012 at 5:27 pm said:
    I love your style of writing as it is different to everyone elses yet still remains to be proffessional standard, DING DONG. btw, git your ars into gear and ACTUALLY write something about the brief ;D

    Reply ↓
    alexanderhopkins on January 23, 2012 at 5:44 pm said:
    Thankyou for your kind words Glen. Particularly the DING DONG – this is very insightful and shows me that we are operating on the same wave length. Point about the brief taken. My ass will be in gear from now on.

    Bye for now.

  2. LECTURE ONE from




    This issue of GAMSWEN is going to be full of information documented over a series of lectures given by a variety of people considered legends in graphic design. The people that are going to be studied in this newspaper have all changed how we see certain aspects of graphic design today. Each lecture will consist of its own article and inside will be one featured article of what I (the writer and illustrator) consider to be the most interesting.

    We will be looking at the artist/designers past and present work also how they became who they are today and what journeys they took to get into the world of design.

    Overall this newspaper will enhance what you know about the history of graphic design and also help broaden your knowledge of the industry and people currently working within this industry today.

    As a graphic designer it is important to know the history of the industry and what social and economic events have affected art as we know it today. These will be some of the aspects that you will pick up throughout this newspaper by hearing a wide diversity of views and opinions.

  3. Lecture 1 – Introduction to Brief from

    Communication is the biggest form of information, whether it’s through Facebook, blogs, magazines or newspapers, the audience and the response is vast. As designers we must adapt the role of a journalist and produce a publication. Using the research that I have taken throughout the lectures I will be able to establish and put together my chosen form of publication which is a magazine. It will be chronicle of the lectures, with each one being an individual article. I will also be creating a feature article which will require more research and also will need to be a topic that interests me so that I can pass my passion for it onto the audience.

    Blogging and communication are key in helping with this brief as we all know the web is the perfect platform for a worldwide audience through applications like Twitter we can amount a huge following which helps you communicate something with immediate effect, after the click of a button your opinion is out there even if people don’t want to hear it. Twitter and Facebook have also become a good way to brand and sell yourself becoming a successful launch pad for many careers. By creating a public network on the web I am automatically expanding my audience.

  4. 1. Introduction by

    Introduction to gaMsweN 11th January 2012

    We had our first lecture of gaMsweN, but really it was all about introduction to the brief of gaMsweN project.

    Mark Ingham introduced us to the brief, there will be eleven lecturers. The first thing, that Mark has told us How do we learn? and What is the best way to learn? We started brainstorming about how do we learn? The best way to learn by listening, looking, using my senses and experimenting with it.

    The reason he asked us because we have to learn and remember the eleventh lecture. I will use the camcorder to record the lecture. At the end of each lecture, we have to write our 300 words articles of each lecture and upload on our blog. At the end of gaMsweN project, we have to produce our articles on the blog, newspaper, magazine or film/animation. I have decided to create articles on magazine. I can make my magazine look creative and exciting!

    We have to create our professional Twitter account (for graphic design student only), which I have done already. We tweeted at #GAMSWEN’s twitter page. #GAMSWEN twitter page to help us to keep updated about what happens next. Also we use it, to help each other out, if some one misses or did not understand what the lecture was about.

    Mark showed us the video from YouTube called “A Magazine is Born – the making of Little White Lies”.

    This short video is about how they produce the magazine. It was interesting to watch how they plan and make a magazine. They looked very stressed! They checked each page in the magazine very carefully, if they missed one small mistake, it will be a waste of their time!

    I am looking forward to watch and listen to all eleven lecturers, but I am not looking forward to writing the essays! Writing essays is not my forte!

    gaMsweN is spelt backward to NewsMag, a vey unique name!

  5. 11th January 2012 from:

    On the 11th of January we had the first of a series of lectures delivered by Mark Ingham. The purpose of this lecture was essentially to introduce us to the work that we were expected to deliver by the end of April. Mark then went on to explain the fact that these lectures where all about how we decided to record the information we were presented with, did we just take notes on a notepad, did we decide that, actually, making notes on my iPhone is more efficient, did we decide to bring in our laptops and write onto a word documents? Or, like some people did today, did we decide to actually record it word for word using either a video camera or a sound recording device. For me this week will be all about thinking about which way will suit me best and which method I will peruse for recording the information I receive for the next eleven weeks of lectures. Something Mark also suggested to the people in the lecture hall was that if we didn’t already have a twitter account that we should create one as a form of both self-promotions and personal record, he also went on to explain that a lot of people have found themselves jobs and opportunities simply through having a professional twitter account. This then lead me to think about how important social networking has become within our industry. However following an incident that happened within the lecture theatre it was re-alliterated how important it is to keep your blog or your page strictly professional. Something else Mark spoke about was something that really got me thinking, this was “ How do I learn” this is something that struck me and very interesting and has given me a new thought for the week.

  6. Mark Ingham Lectures by

    Mark started off by introducing him saying his name was ‘Mark Ingham’ and people had difficulty pronouncing his name, so Mark kept saying his last name which was quite funny, looked like he was getting stressed. Mark Ingham introduced us to the new brief and what’s going to happen in our 12 part lectures. In the 12 lectures will be meeting various designers to learn a few things about them. Mark asked the group ‘How do I learn best?’ to the group and the answers given were as followed; some people visually, others learn physically, by hearing and then Philip answered by saying you can use any of your senses to learn something, but most people learn by experimenting the situation. For me I learn by physically touching because I am a hands type of person to learn things quicker and easier. Mark then showed us a website by one of his ex-student and the website was about reviewing movies and the name of the website is called, also the owner of the website was looking to recruit people if they have interest in movies and reviewing them. Mark said we have to create a film/production, blog, newspaper or magazine about our 12 lectures, so I chose to create a magazine because I am interested in that sort of area. Mark asked us to record the lectures every week so we can create 300 words about the lecture and then post them on our blogs but 1 out of the 12 lectures has to 1000 words and if we want to pair as a team the words we had to would have to doubled but it would have been the same as being single, so there really isn’t a point pairing up with someone. Then there was twitter incidence which made mark angry.

  7. First Lecture by


    How do i learn? That was the question, in our first lecture of Art and Design in context with Mark Ingham. So how do we learn? We learn in many different ways, depending on what type of person you are. Theres listening, looking/ watching, actually doing it, but most importantly, experimenting. We started off discussing this question, just to familiarise ourselves with the various ways that everyone learns. This highlighted all the different ways that i learn, which i hope everyone else in the lecture started to do the same.

    Now, the new brief for the next 12 weeks is to collect all the information in each lecture and then document it in a way that we wish to choose ourselves as designers. Over the next 12 weeks, we will have different lectures based on many different designers, and what we have to do is take notes, record or take pictures, or all if we prefer and in the end create either an online magazine; blog; or a documentary film or an animation film. What i understood was that each lecture we write about has to be at least 300 word article, and one lecture will be 1000 word article which will be my featured article maybe on the lecture that i found most interesting and fun.

    We watched a short clip called “little white lies” (which is below) which started to give me inspiration on what i could do. It also showed how intense and fast the company has to work to get one magazine out. All the different techniques, different ideas and how everyone worked together to get to their goal. which was a featured magazine on ‘the black swan’. This hopefully gave the rest of the students a idea of how to do their magazine or an online version of a magazine or even a documentary film. This lecture was only the first and even i enjoyed it, so i therefore can not wait till next week.

  8. Week 1 by

    On the First day we meet our new Lecturer Mark Ingham. He said he would be teaching us Art and Design Concept. He started The lecture by telling us we recorded what he was saying any way we could and he would prefer it Electronically. I didn’t have my laptop or phone to record it. So I used my notepad. Then he talked about how Art and Design concept for this term would last twelve weeks and how every week we would have a new Lecturer/someone new would come to speak to us or teach us something new. He told us we had a to record each lecture and put in in three hundred words every week. He also went over the fact one of them would be a Thousand words. All to be handed in by the 10th of May . He explained into detail about how we are “investigating Journalist ”. We also spoke about the topic : How do you learn? Everyone gave examples like We learn by seeing we learn by listing, we learn by watching and we learn by experimenting. Personally I’m more of a visual learner because I find it easier just watching someone doing something and doing the same. We then Watched a feature video called “A Magazine is born”. In this Video we saw the steps and processes a magazine goes through from beginning to the end. I really Enjoyed this feature video because it showed me the effort and work put into making a magazine. Then he asked us to check this site called . He said this site was made by a former student on our course and it was an online magazine about current movies/film and the cinematic world. Its a shame it ended early.

  9. Introduction by

    I was asked a question, ‘‘How do I learn’’? You learn by listening and visualizing.

    This was an introduction to the brief and project gaMsweN (Art and Design in Context II).

    Recording – Different ways of recording.

    I have to pose as a Journalist and produce an article/sections of 12 lectures, I have to produce an online magazine, magazine PDF newspaper a film or blog with at least 12 sections which has to be kept to 300 words minimum – 1000 words. I will have a series of lectures by Mark Ingham and others with specific topics. In 2 weeks time the dean will come in and will give a lecture on surrealism. Neil spiller who is in charge of the department is a visionary, architect, drawing etc. he will give a short 20mins – 30 mins lecture. It has to be recorded in someway whether its with a voice recorder or camcorder. Lecturer Nic clear will also come along and give us a lecture, he specialises in animation and drawing ect…we will also look at various artists like Saul bass who is a graphics designer, filmmaker etc.…. I have to decide on a lecture that I want to write about and elaborate. I have 4 months to produce my final product.

    We were shown a YouTube clip of the magazine is born which relates to our project, we were also introduced to a magazine called Vulture magazine, which was made by a past student from The University Of Greenwich.

  10. Interpretation of Brief/Lecture 1 introduction to brief by

    Introduction to Brief

    On Wednesday 11th of October we had our first lecture of the term with mark and he introduced us to the art and design in context brief “gaMsweN” and also touched on a other things such as how to use the social networking sites to our advantage and how they can be essential in terms of communicating with fellow students and keeping up with any updates that we might have missed

    During the lecture mark showed us a series on graphic designers and artist such as soul bass and Charles and ray eams including a short clip of titled “A magazine is born” the making of little white lies which in brief shows the making of the magazine the short film does well in capturing the time and passion that goes into the making of a magazine and the step by step process it takes in the space of a two minute clip

    My interpretation of the brief

    I am aware that my brief is to produce either a film/Video, Animation, Newspaper, Magazine or blog which would be placed in with all of the notes, Video and information that I note down from all the lectures and these notes will be the backbone and foundation of my final articles and piece that im going to produce leading on to the final deadline and I am also aware that Each lecture I attend will be required to have its own classification or article. I understand that each article I write must be of a minimum off three hundred words and I am open to work with other students as explained by the lecturer. And im required to refrence all the information in my articles that is not mine i must reference them by telling the reader where i got the information from such as the author of the book, website or magazine

  11. Introduction to #GAMSWEN by
    1st Lecture



    During the very firstGAMSWEN (News Mag written backwards) introduction lecture Dr Mark Ingham asked as to think about our learning methods, especially what is the best way to learn. We tend to learn by doing, looking, copying, listening, experimenting etc. the list can be endless and every individual can find suitable ways to learn.

    Also there was an introduction to the GAMSWEN brief, which consists of 12 sessions, part of it is a lecture and then the other part of it is our way to record and document it, by producing a final piece chosen individually. It can be: a blog, an online mag, a book, a film etc. The hand in date for this is 10.05.2012.

    Lectures will be on various subjects and there should be a 300 word article written about each lecture, or 1000 words feature article. The article should be also written in a manner of investigative journalism and trying to see things more in depth than just a simple description of matters.

    Also part of the course/ project is to follow Gamswen twitter page and be digitally interactive, and understand the responsibility we have over our online output when using social media.

  12. From:

    On the 11th of January we had the introductory lesson to the series of lectures delivered by Mark Ingham. The purpose of this lesson was to show us what work was expected by the end of April. Mark then explained to us that these lectures would have to be recorded somehow, either taking notes on paper, on smartphone which I did as was always to hand and didn’t have my notebook on me at the time or getting a camcorder to get the whole lecture on tape, which a few pupils done and told us that they would put on YouTube for everyone in case they missed the lecture or just wanted reminding what it was about.

    Mark also suggested we create a twitter account to use for self-promotion and told us about someone who used this to advertise themselves and got work out of it, so during lesson I used Marks advice and created an account and showed this by following gamswen and tweeting to him. I could have used another form of social network to help with this but thought twitter would be the best to use as more people use this and can follow my fellow class mates. However an incident occurred when were supposed to tweet in a greeting message to gamswen when a mindless pupil decided it would be funny to tweet and a rude and vile message, Mark then re-alliterated how important it is to keep your account strictly professional as people from all over the world can log in to their accounts and see what you have tweeted and does not look good for the whole of the University of Greenwich.

    Mark also spoke about something that really got the group talking when he gave what we thought was a simple question in ‘ how do we learn’ which gave us something to really think about, as there are many ways of us learning if it’s in seeing things, hearing, and doing things ourselves.


    On the 11th Feb we had a lecture with Mark Ingham about magazines and magazine designs.

    Mark basically introduced us on the new brief and told us what we needed to do. In the lecture he showed us a few videos such as ‘Magazine is Born’ – it showed us the process of making a magazine by a group of designers working for a company. I found this video fascinating because it showed every stages of making the magazine. Also, this video is giving me inspirations on how to create my own magazine for other lectures. It showed us that it takes a long time to produce an amazing piece of work and it takes a lot of detail to perfect a magazine.

    He then showed us another video called ‘Magazine Design’,which is a slideshow showing different kinds of magazines and their layouts. It showed us basic design layouts for spreads and a few front pages. I found this video interesting because it made me think about the kind of magazines I’m making and who it is targeted to. Also, it made me think about colours, layout,textures, text, and context of my magazine.

    He introduced us to a webpage “Old Student” which is a website where we could connect with past students. The webpage had reviews on film, tv, music, design and many more. We were also told that we have the opportunity to join the website, to give reviews or email him about anything we may need help on.

    Mark then told us to make a Twitter account and to follow him to inform us on upcoming lectures and getting information quick and easy. This will also be helpful to some who may not understand or need help on the lectures.


    As the new term begun we were introduced to a new brief. We were told we would be having 12 lectures, each on a different topic on which we’re going to write 300 words about 11 of them and 1000 for our selected topic. We will then construct a film/animation, magazine, blog or a newspaper from using our content. We also had the option of producing our outcomes in groups which would make the articles doubled or tripled depending on how many people we included.

    After we received the brief, our lecturer Dr Mark Ingham asked us a question – How do I learn? . We briefly discussed this within each other and collectively came up with a list of different ways people learn

    *Doing *Looking *Listening *Experimentation *Learn by all senses.

    Personally I learn best by doing/experimentation. That way I learn what I do right and wrong and also see which areas I can improve on. I find it much more interesting by figuring out things by experimenting different ways of doing it. It helps me to understand everything better than reading or hearing about it.

    During the lecture we were shown a short video called A magazine is born – the making of Little White Lies. I found this quite interesting as it showed the different techniques and processes that the production team went through to construct the final outcome. We were also advised to look at Vulture Hound which is an London based online magazine that focuses on the best music, film and TV.

    We were asked to join an follow GameSwen on twitter so that we could always be up to date with what’s going on with the course.

    I will be doing the project individually and will produce a magazine. This is because I think that I would be able to express myself better through that rather than through the other options.

  15. ‘How Do You Learn?’ GamSwen Introduction With Mark Ingham

    How do you learn ?

    Principal Lecturer, Mark Ingram kicked of our 12 week project this week. Answering questions of those concerned about their approach to the new project. Mark challenged the students with the question, ‘How do you learn?‘ Students had brief opportunities to discuss this with peers and later contributed answers.

    Most answers were based on our ‘methods of perception’ and how we communicate with each other. This lecture highlighted the importance of graphic students using different approaches to visualising communication, defining what type of learner they are and how they want to present their project for the next 12 weeks.

    Students identified different styles of learning in hopes of understanding how they prefer to gather information and finish presentations suited to a pacific audience. We defined ‘Learning‘ in three categories; Listening Learners, Seeing Learners and Experience Learners. We used a scenario to identify the characteristics of each group .

    Our methods of perception and communication
    SCENARIO 1 . You need to paint a room.

    How much paint and what supplies do you need?

    We concluded with our theory that a Listening Learner would call a painter, a friend, or supplies store to assist in this task. A Seeing Learner would go to the paint store and read the labels of paint cans or watch a course. A Experience Learner would purchase a can of paint, a brush, and start painting and would eventually learn from future mistakes.
    This topic was influenced by an article based of education guidance on U.S site

    However, the lecture concluded with the introduction of Twitter.He insisted that “all graphic design students should use this platform to communicate with each other” Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter enable students to progress with task preparation by inspiring each other to upload different media and sharing advice on different art and design techniques and philosophy.

  16. Week 1 – Article. by

    The project given to us for this terms will eventually lead us in producing a film/animation, newspaper, magazine or blog. This will be based on, and produced throughout the lectures and seminars which will be on different subjects. We have been advised to consistently take detailed notes throughout the lectures/seminars which we can then later use for our articles which will be fully illustrated and referenced. For each section, our articles should be a minimum of 300 words, or in a film/animation at least 1 minute long. Like regular magazines and newspapers, there’s always a main article which stands out, this is called a ‘featured article’, which we are also encouraged to create. Unlike the regular articles, this one will be around 1,500 words, or 10 minutes long following the same methods as the others.

    The choice of size is dependent on us, as some prefer to work on a larger scale such as newspapers, others for small A5 pamphlets. Personally, I would be aiming for either an A5 to A4 magazine or a blog as I feel more comfortable in that field. Making a film or animation is something which I have no experience with or even learnt. Even if I were to study about it, it will be time consuming and may have an impact on the quality of my work. As for the layout or style, I’ve only had some thought on it for now. Since I’m doing a magazine for another project, I’ll be able to, if I do go with the magazine version, implement some of my ideas and designs to this project whilst changing certain features.

    Looking through the blog, I found out that each of the lectures/seminars will be based on a graphic designer which makes this project more interesting as not only will be learn more about the artists life, but about their work and way of doing things.

  17. LECTURE 1 by

    Today was the first lecture for Art and Design in context 2 or as it called Gamswen. These classes will be a series of lectures held every week about various topics and given by various lectures, coming from a wide range of backgrounds and different industry’s. The aim of the course is to record the lectures, and produce a series of “articles” relating to that particular lecture, when I say record, this could be many different things for example taking notes, capturing the lecture in video or recording just the audio, and its important to do this so we can refer back to the lecture in a later date. After doing this we will need to complete some research on the topic covered in the lecture, and at the end of the course produce a series of 300 word articles in the form of a magazine, newspaper even an animation or film. During these twelve lectures we will need to chose one main topic this could be a particular lecture or even a trip to somewhere, and write 1500 word for that article and it would be the main, feature article in the magazine for instance. That covers the task.

    What I was panning to do is record the lectures using my camera that way I would have the full lecture available for review at any time. I was thinking about creating a 3D animation for the mini articles and final piece because that is what I am trying to learn but I have not done a substantial amount of writing for a while and next year I will have to complete a dissertation so I think this will be good practice for that. The form it will take up is still undecided I would like to make some sort of interactive PDF which the user would be able to navigate through and embed links and video within it. I will research the possibility of it and then make a final decision.


    Our first introduction to the Art and Design In Context 2 talked about what we were going to be doing for the 12 weeks of the course. Before the lesson we were all asked to create a twitter account and follow the #GAMSWEN which will keep us updated through the 12 week course. During the course we will have a series of lectures from both our main course tutor Dr Mark Ingham and guest lecturers from all different aspects of the digital media industry. During these informative and important lectures it our task to record the lectures using any recording mediums and at the end of the course produce a series of articles about it in a magazine formats, online pdfs or using blogs after which we will need research on specific topics covered during the lectures and produce 300 word articles for each lecture. Also for this course we will need to choose one topic and write 1500 words based on it and this will be our main featured article in our magazine.
    Initially I decided to create a nice, simple flash interface that showed all the records of the lectures or even try my hands at making a nice interactive pdf in flash. I’m still looking and researching forms and mediums in which recorded information can be delivered digitally and I came across interesting ways. But I really thing using a blog to present these records throughout the whole course will really do fine. I might still change my mind as I go along hey I might even decide to do it in InDesign and print out a nice booklet or use it as a nice online pdf. I think I will experiment and see what ideas I can think of. This should be an enjoyable project and am really looking forward to hearing from other guest lectures.

  19. Report on Mark Ingham lecture (lecture 1) by

    In the lecture I have learned about the connectivity of social networks that exist on the internet. Social networks like Twitter and face book has brought people that are like minded together to share ideas and opinions of difference about political and social events. The social networking is also very effective for creating a web presence that can explain to the world about your talent and skills and how you can share these with employers. Some social networks can be used to create projects and each person playing a part in creating parts of the project can exchange project data over the group social network site.

    The use of the internet for social networking can have negative results. The use of security will be needed to protect other peoples details from site hacking and socials sites like Twitter and face book has no data protection programming for the users details and password. The user will need to protect his pass word by typing it under cover or discreetly. Most people use an edited picture or a reference image to represent them on a social network site. The use of politeness and language etiquette is needed and some views and graphic images placed on social networks could create legal tension among the online community.

    What I learned the most in the lecture would be that online networking is a tool that if used correctly can enhance your professional appearance. The employers will expect to see this level of professional presence and this in effect will encourage like minded people on education or work to approach you. This technology will teach the user about different people and the way how they think like the research used for marketing and product design testing. I would use the online social networking for critical feedback of my 3Dmodelling and project ideas that might need adapting and developing.

  20. Introduction to context and design by

    An important question to ask ourselves before classes is ‘How do I learn? Or how do I learn best?’ There are different forms of learning and these include watching, listening, doing or experimenting. Everyone has a different way of learning, some people respond to visual learning and some to audio. Some might think that this is enough, but this is the start of how we learn. By watching or listening we get the steps on what needs to be done, but we still need to experiment and try it ourselves. It is a way of testing our knowledge.

    Once we know how we learn best we can use that knowledge to begin the assignment set for us. In my case it will be 12 articles in a form of a blog, online magazine or film. For this assigned brief I have to think like an investigative journalist. Investigative journalists are reporters who deeply investigate a single topic of interest and may spend months or years researching and preparing a report. They usually use primary research and work for newspapers, magazines, wire services, etcetera.

    Each article will be about topics from our lecture. 11 of the articles will consist of 300 words and 1 will consist of 1000 words. The article we want to write 1000 words for is the one that inspires us the most. I also had an option of working in a group, but depending on the number of members in the group you have to times that by the number of words that have to be in each article. It is essential for me to have a Twitter account and follow GAMSWEN for this brief because it is an account created for our course that has all the essential information about our course and assignments.

  21. gaMsweN Introduction to Brief by


    Mark Ingham, who took this lecture, (never failing to grasp the entire rooms’ attention and get everyone’s’ mind’s jogging) primarily struck us with this question.

    It basically sums up the first lecture. He allowed us to think of the different ways we learn and which way we learn best. We were introduced to the course and the brief and were also told about the course blog “gaMsweN”, which sounds cooler when you don’t actually know where the name came from. You can imagine our anticipation when Mark said; the great name came from………..Newsmag spelt backwards. (Not exactly the most interesting innovation, but it will grow on us).

    I took a look at the blog, and it is easy to navigate, clear, and very informative, especially for those new to blogging. We were also told about how we can professionally use social networking sites such as twitter to our advantage, and how they can play a vital part in communicating with other students and keeping us updated with what is going on in the course, in case we have missed anything.

    For this coursework we have to be an investigative journalist and produce articles in any form we choose, based on 12 forthcoming lectures (well, 11 , after this one). This can be in a form of animation, documentary, film, newspaper, online blog, online magazine etc. it sounds very interesting, as it tells us what to do (document of 12 lectures) but leaves the form of distribution entirely up to us, so we decide how we wish to disseminate the project. We will have to make the project eye catching, and stimulating. Not your regular dreary essay.

    We were also shown example of some graphic designers’ and artists’ work, to give us some inspiration and idea of what our project would look like when finished. To top it off, we were then shown a fascinating short video called “A magazine is born- the making of little white lies” which takes us through the journey of making a magazine. It was very interesting to see the concept behind the work, the passion and time put into the work, how they gathered all their ideas and how they went about in making the actual magazine.

    Overall the introductory lecture was an exciting way to start the new term. It was engaging, motivating and I am looking forward to the rest of the course.

  22. Week 1 by

    How do I learn?

    This was the main question of the first lecture, which was used to engage our minds and get the ball rolling. During this lecture, I was introduced to the course and to the brief, as well as the course blog, ‘gaMsweN’, which is basically just news mag spelt backwards (thought it stood for something cool).

    For coursework, I have to produce a collection of journalistic articles based on the lectures (I would have to take a lot of notes) and my own research. I found this really interesting as we were given the freedom to choose which media we want to present them as e.g. a film/ documentary, an online magazine or newspaper, an animation, online blog or other types of media. The piece we create has to be critical, edgy, punchy and attention-grabbing- not just another boring essay.

    The course blog has a clean, simple layout that is easy to read- you don’t have to struggle to find and read information. Everything is organised so that it’s easy to locate the information needed. I especially like the grungy, border strip design near the top of the page- it breaks the plain background and makes the page look more edgy. I also saw a timetable of lectures in the upcoming weeks. The drawing and animation lecture and the digital, death and archives lecture planned for February sound like they’ll be exciting and offer a new perspective the world of art and media, as well as expanding my knowledge. The article about blogging was also very informative and is very useful for those who are new to the phenomenon.

    Mark, the coolest lecturer ever, showed us a short film/ documentary ‘- A Magazine is Born- The making of Little White Lies’. The documentary showed how a group of people pulled together to produce a magazine and fulfil their passions. I liked how the whole process was sped up and condensed- it really showed a sense of time and effort that is put into the production of magazines in general. We were also shown the site of an online magazine called Vulture Hound, which reviews upcoming films, TV shows and other media. I found it interesting that anyone could also contribute to the magazine as well. This helped give me an idea of how I could present my articles and the most interesting way to do it.

    All in all, I found the introductory lecture engaging, interesting and a great way to start the New Year. I look forward to what this course has to offer.

    By Mekeisha McDonald

  23. Lecture 1 by

    Our first lecture for Art and design in Context 2 was all about the brief and introduction to the course. There will be 12 lectures each with different topics and these lectures are vital to our coursework. In each lecture there will be different lecturers coming to give their presentation that revolves around their job role. This will be interesting because learning new things will help in the project. As a student I have to know how to record information given from these lectures, for example recording the lecture with a camera, using pen and paper(taking notes), or using a laptop to take notes. In this project I have to choose whether I want to base these lectures as a magazine, newspaper, film or animation. After each lecture I have to write up a 300 word article based on the lecture given and one of the lectures that I will choose specifically will be 1000 words. I have to put the 300 word article in my own blog that I have made for this project.

    My first initial idea was to do a film based on the recordings, it seems like the easiest one to do but I realised it would take longer because I have to choose which clips to use for the film. I then thought of doing a 3D animation of the lectures, this would even be a bigger project than the film one as I have to consider scripting. I haven’t decided which one I’m going to go for as I have to put in a bit more thought as to which one would be the most beneficial to me. Writing 12 articles would also be a challenge because I haven’t done much writing and this will help me become better at writing and prepare me for my final year for my dissertation.

  24. sunni11 said:

    This was a motivating lecture introducing us to the brief. I have enjoyed the lecture from the very end. Also I have gotten a lot of inspirational ideas from this lecture.

    • mima27 said:

      Dear Sunni

      I look forward to helping you with the final edited version of your magazine and heers for the comment.

      All the best


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