
Daniel Browne

“I was staggered to be honest to find so many buildings that take structural details from nature. Tapei 101 in particular being based on the structure of bamboo of all things! I over use the word ‘interesting’, but this was! Aside from this, the idea of structures actual found in nature such as a bridge structure that Rachel mentioned made from vines from two trees weaving themselves together blew my mind.”


Introduction: When the first GAMSWEN lecture began, taken by Dr Mark Ingham, I was ready with pencil in hand. Marks particular style of lecturing created a relaxed atmosphere…

Vaughan Oliver: Vaughan Oliver the well-known designer, typographer and art director gave an inspiring lecture when he took to the stage for his part of the GAMSWEN series. From…

Nic Clear: Once a teacher at University College London and an architect running his own practise, Nic Clear now devotes his time to his studies as a full time academic (Clear,…

Rachel Armstrong: Rachel Armstrong senior TED fellow gave her lecture ‘Evolved not made’ as part of the GAMSWEN series, and within minutes of the lecture starting we could tell…

What have you learnt so far?: We’re now mid-way through our lecture series, and it’s time to think about what we’ve learnt so far. I filled in the VARK questionnaire on the Gamswen blog,…

Animated Robotics: Wall-E and Eve, a match made in robot heaven. These two robots in the hit animated film created by Pixar captured the hearts of millions, including mine. Because of…

Manifesto: “Be the type of person you want to meet,” was the image that greeted us at the start of the session. Today we’re learning about manifestos with the hope that…

Simon Herron: Simon Heron, son of Ron Heron best known for his work ‘The Walking City’ as part of the Archigram group, took todays lecture. In no time at all Simon had dug to…

Stacey Pitsillides: The lecture on Digital Death was from Stacey Pitsillides, we’ve all come to know her as a lecturer guiding us through projects on various topics. However on this…

Neil Spiller: Surrealism was the topic for the lecture from Neil Spiller Dean of the School of Architecture, Design and Construction. I cannot speak for anyone else in the room…

Neil Spiller part 2: Neil Spiller returned to our lecture series, this time to give us a lecture on Surrealism instead of a surrealist lecture. Salvador Dali was a main feature and his…

The End: Dr Mark Ingham took the last lecture in the GAMSWEN series, and it focussed on endings. We were shown a variety of different famous film endings most of which I had…



Alexander Hopkins

“This set some cogs turning in my head. I dream of working alongside
big bands and really influential artists, but maybe rather than aiming
for the current “big boys” I need to be getting out there and getting
involved with the up and comers. Food for thought.”


More can be seen at ===> “this is not a news mag” 
+  PDF  Alex Hopkins Newsmag


Amy Goodinson

“How does the angel with the Brazilian bush grow? And what does this symbolise?”


More can be seen at ===> PDF Amy Goodinson GAMSWEN – information overload


Arinze Imachukwu

“I believe that this is true but the world needs to make it compulsory to look after our environment. Right now people are prioritising their money in contrast to our environment which needs to come second to our environment if we want to sustain it.”


More can be seen at ===> PDF ARINZE IMACHUKWU magazine


Arleen Dewell 

“And what Dr. R. Armstrong seems to suggest that just like in Surrealism, for example we can’t oversimplify life and that we need to tap into finding new methods for seeing the complexity of things.”


More can be seen at ===> Arleen Dewell DOZEN LECTURES

+ PDF Arleen Dewell GAMSWEN dozen lectures


Charlotte Palmer

“I felt truly inspired by the work Nic Clear had shown during his lecture; given the title ‘Architecture and Animation’ I did not expect the lecture to be a combination of the two in such a way.”


More can be seen at ===> GAMSWEN NEWS
+ PDF  Charlotte Palmer GAMSWEN Blog



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