What Have You Learnt so Far?

“Then there is today’s lecture, which I found really helpful because it helped us re-explore what we have learnt so far. It’s like a rehearsal for us, going back what we wrote so far for the past few weeks.”  John

A review of your lectures this term by Mark Ingham

Wednesday 22 February 9.30 – 10.45 David Fussey Lecture Theatre

The questions that will be asked again will be:

How do you learn?

What have you learnt so far?

and How have you learnt this? +

What is a Record?


Wordcloud from Dave Courmier’s post on Rhizomatic Learning




Lecture 1 – Introduction – Mark Ingham

Lecture 2 – Works – Vaughan Oliver

Lecture 3 – Surrealist Lecture – Neil Spiller

Lecture 4 – Animation/Drawing – Nic Clear

Lecture 5 – Digital Death – Stacey Pitsillides

Lecture 6 – Evolved, Not Made – Rachel Armstrong


Links: >>>

Take >>> The VARK Questionnaire How Do I Learn Best?



Networked Student


7 Skills students need for their future


  1. sunni11 said:

    The first questions was “how do I learn?” and the second question were “how do I learn best?” these questions made me think for a while, and my answer is I learn from my mistakes. And my second answer is research.

  2. WEEK 7 WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT SO FAR? by http://johnhuang888.wordpress.com/university-work/design-context/gamswen-project/week-7-what-have-you-learn-so-far/

    Mark Ingham-What Have You Learn So Far?

    We are half way through the series of our lectures, this week lecture we were asked these questions:

    How do you learn?

    What have you learned so far?

    How have you learnt this?

    What is a Record?

    On the Gamswen website, we were recommended to feel out this questionnaire called VARK, which help us identify what kind of learner your are. The result I got said that I have a multimodal (VAK) learning preference. Which means I can learn visually, aurally and Kinaesthetically. Which from different modes to adapt to my learning environment. On the website it said I’m in the majority because as approximately 60% of any population fits that category. Well i think what the result came to be seem to be quite true sometimes i learn from listening, looking at diagrams and practicing doing something.

    Back to the questions, ‘How do i learn?’. Well in the past weeks I have been recording notes and videos in the lecture and at home have I been watching & listening to the videos over and over again so i don’t misunderstood what the lecturer is trying to accomplish. In addition I did some research online in order to have a better understanding.

    So far i have learnt something from each lecture I had. In Vaughan Olivers lecture I liked the way he used existing images and place them in a different place or format to create something new, or oppose it’s original meaning. I also liked the way he uses typace he found in jam jars and reuses them in his record sleeves, a very unique and genius way to approach to his problem since he always had problem working with typefaces. Personly I love working with typography but i was never that good at it, so next time i think i might use Vaughan Olivers’s technique of using existing typeface and reuse it to create something new.

    In Neil Spiller lecture, i was fascinated by his story and imaginations but at same time I was frustrated at my lack of understanding i had for his lecture. From his lecture i can say i have learnt how to be patient to do more research about his project and ideas he had for communicating vessel. I was inspired by how he can think so in-depth about his imagination island. From what he said, i sense there is a great mechanism running through this island. Well that is my opinion, I might be wrong.

    Nic Clear’s lecture is one of my favourite its the one i was really engaged in. The series of video created by his fellow student was mind bellowing, wishing that i could do the same. Nic Clear has a completely new way to approach architecture. He know that drawing is the main activity and component in architecture, the more complex it looks the better. He wanted to break the tradition rules of acrhtietcture, rather showing arctiture on a flat piece of paper, he wanted to show it through animation, he thought animation sometimes can have a better approach and communication to audiences. Which i strongly agree because i find video/animation are far more interesting compare to drawings. Videos can move which make it look more realistic and entertaining, it can create a illusion that the audiences are part of it. With video you can add background music to create the atmosphere that you want, to match the architecture in the video.

    In Stacey Pittsllides’s lecture was rather mind engaging. The question she bought up ” What happen to your data when you die?” This question is something that no one will actually bother to think about, since everyone is so busy getting on with daily life. But Stacey is brave enough to take a foot on i, and search what is digital death. In this lecture I learnt that the majority of people living in this world has 2 lives. One is reality which is the material world and the other is the digital world, which i think its the world wide network (internet). Nearly every one has Facebook or Twitter or any other social networks. What what will happen to the information stored on this social network when you die? Will your digital life be dead as well? More and more questions were raised by her, well as i said before the social network we have in the digital world is like a body in the materialise world. If there isn’t a mind in there it’ll still be dead even though its there. If the person is dead, there will be no one updating the status of that social network so it will be a inactive account just like a dead corpse in reality world its just matter of time people start to realise it.

    In Rachel Armstrong’s lecture I learnt many things. In her lecture she mainly spoke about Bio-Archteture. She also shared the experience she had when she was visiting the India Leprosy hospital. At beginning I knew the Leprosy disease existed but i had no clue what the symptoms are and what it could do to the human body. After a quick brief of her explanations, i have now a good understanding of what leprosy is. The image she showed in the lecture was very interesting specially that bridge was formed naturally by tree roots. After i did research about her and her biological development, in the past recent years she develop this protocells paint, that can be use to cover interface of existing buildings. What the protocol does it can produce limestones that can absorb carbon dioxide which making the building carbon negative. I think this women has an incredible mind and from her speech and tone of voice i can sense she is very strong and ambitious.

    Then there is today’s lecture, which i find it really helpful because it help us re-explore what we have learnt so far it’s like a rehearsal for us, going back what we wrote so far for the past few weeks. The questionnaire Mark has provided really help me understand how I learn. At the end of this project I think i might design a magazine or a documentary blog.

  3. How do we learn ? by http://am757.wordpress.com/

    Posted by am757 on January 17, 2012

    have you ever thought about it?

    I some very simple answers for this question are :

    1-we see,we listen we touch,… so we learn by our senses.

    2-we think, we read , we experiment .

    3-we ask other people for the answer

    I think these are the most common ways to learn something but how is the proses of it, how is it that we forget some of them but it is impossible to forget the others such as talking or our names or when we see a kettle on the oven that is boiling is hot and we don’t touch it.

    scientists they have an answer to those questions, they say our brain has 2 parts the one that we use every day to do our jobs study think is the conscious part that gets tired or shuts down when we sleep but there another part that never gets tired or shuts down even when we sleep it is working and that part is the subconscious part .

  4. GaMsWeN Lecture Week 6 by http://sptalkintech.wordpress.com/wednesday/gamswen-lecture-week-6/

    This day wasnt a lecture but actually it was a day for us to *Rewind* and see what we have done through the 5 weeks and then combine everything we got into a written piece.

    How do we learn? (My Opinion) We learn from doing, my experience of learning something is by doing the action of what you want to do and by doing so your mind is generally learning and understanding the moment.

    We learn from instinct meaning that its already programmed in our minds to do it and when we need it we just do the action and our mind tells us what to do.

    What have I learnt so far? – From the start of these lectures I’ve learnt quite a bit of information about everything, but the most interesting lecture Ive had was the one with (Stacey – Digital Pixels) that lecture was very interesting from the way she expressed her feelings for her passion about her work and what it means to her. But I have learnt quite a bit of everything I guess.

    How have I learnt this? – I learnt this from listening and looking at the lecturer, what gets me interested is how the lecture speaks and how they ingage with the audience and catches there eye. It make me feel interested in what there saying and listen more.

    What is a Record? – Record could mean many things. It could be you set the world record of doing something great, It could mean you beat your own record of achieving something.

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